Spring Weddings!! WUHHHHH!!!???? April, 20th, 2018

Yep. We've been busy. Busier actually than any other past Spring season to date. And that is awesome, because as a Professional Wedding Photographer you realize quickly that weddings actually rarely happen up here in the North Eastern part of this great continent in the late winter and spring season. Its just too dang cold with unpredictable weather. 

So because of all this amazing business, our monthly to weekly blogging has been put on a tentative hold (still) until we can find the time to get back to some "regular schedule programming!" Maybe. With that said here are some pretty darn awesome morsels of Wedding Imagery we've captured and created within these past 2-3 months.

We hope you like them. Please keep in mind... we may actually stick to this "Seasonal Wedding" format for this 2018. It just might work well. Enjoy.