Meghan and Will's Wedding, August 13th, 2016 - Revolution Hall, Troy, NY

Its like a really good recipe. A dash of humor, a sprinkle of beauty and a whole lot of love and you have Meghan and Will's Wedding described in one powerful sentence! Now that is a recipe for perfection, not to mention amazing moments created and captured!!

As a father and son photography team we always try to look for the extraordinary in the every wedding. In this one, we didn't have to look too hard. Meghan and Will have such a great connection as do their families that it was easy peasy lemon squeezie (Yes I said it) to bring out the best in everyone. 

The Ceremony was at the stunning St. Pius X Church in Loudenville and the reception at the Industrial and fashionable Revolution Hall at Brown's Brewery in Troy N.Y. Great times thanks to all the staff at Rev Hall, Cool Cats Entertainment for DJing the night away (Thanks Nick). But of course a HUGE thank you to Meghan and Will, a couple I will love and remember forever! You made us a happy team of Photogs!! 

Here is your teaser.